Bureau for Energy Efficiency(BEE), as statutory body under the Ministry of Power that
controls the energy efficiency scheme of starratings on the electrical products(BEE
APPROVAL OR BEE CERTIFICATION).The Bureau of Energy Efficiency is an agency of
the Government of India, under the Ministry of Power created in March 2002 under the
provisions of the nation's 2001 Energy Conservation Act.[1] The agency's function is to
develop programs which will increase the conservation and efficient use of energy in India.[2] The government has proposed to make it mandatory for certain appliances in
India to have ratings by the BEE starting in January 2010.[3] Them is sion of Bureau of
Energy Efficiency is to "institutionalise"energy efficiency services, enable delivery
mechanisms in the country and provide leader ship to energy efficiency in all sectors of
the country.The primary objective would be to reduce energy in tensity in the economy.
The Objectives of Standards & Labeling Program is to provide the consumer an informed
choice about the energys aving and the reby the costsaving potential of them arketed
house hold and other equipment.This is expected to impact the energy savings in the
medium and long run while at the same time it will position domestic industry to compete
in such markets where norms for energy efficiency are mandatory.
The scheme was launched by the Hon'ble Minister of Power in May, 2006 and is currently
invoked for equipments/appliances Room Air Conditioner(FixedSpeed), Ceiling Fan,
Colour Television, Computer, Direct Cool Refrigerator, Distribution Transformer ,Domestic
GasStove, Frost Free Refrigerator, General Purpose Industrial Motor, Monoset Pump,
Open well Submersible PumpSet, Stationary Type Water Heater, Submersible PumpSet,
Tfl, WashingMachine, Ballast, Solid State Inverter, Office Automation Products, Diesel
Engine Driven Monoset pumps For Agricultural Purposes, Diesel GeneratorSet, Led
Lamps, Room Air Conditioner(VariableSpeed), Chillers, Agricultural Pumpset.